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Help a worthy cause!

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Hello Friends! No, it's not the weekly newsletter. That's tomorrow. Today I am writing to tell you about the non-profit educational program I attend, SJVA. I have been attending SJVA for all of my high school years. In the beginning I was just a student and now I work, volunteer, and attend school here! SJVA has been such a blessing to me the past four years and I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for the opportunities and blessings He has given me through SJVA.

Saint John Vianney Academy is a non-profit which means that we rely on the generous support of our donors. Enclosed below are three buttons, the first is the SJVA website, the second is the SJVA donate page, and the third is SJVA's Facebook page.

If God moves your heart to do so, would you be willing to donate to SJVA today? Any amount is welcome and goes a long long way towards supporting our work in education. If you have any questions please email me at and put "SJVA questions" in the subject line to ensure that I read your email!

If you would like to enroll your child, please call our headmistress at the phone number given on the SJVA homepage.

God bless and until next time,

God loves you and so do I!!


P.S. For all my Catholic brothers and sisters out there, Happy Feast Day of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus!

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