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Weekly wisdom! October 9, 2022

Hello Friends! I can’t believe a week of October has already come and gone! I feel like we just started this beautiful month and already the first 9 days are behind us. I hope you are enjoying your fall! I am!

In terms of updates regarding JTH, not much is different… I know, I know, I’m supposed to be finalizing all the details, pages, groups, etc. but time is just so precious to me right now. But I promise you that by the end of this month, it should be all done.

Speaking of time, that’s basically our subject this week. So, without further ado, this week’s topic is……………………. how to feel like you’re not overwhelmed when you are overwhelmed (managing all the work you have.)

Yeah nice topic I know. Yall are probably like " Is she sane right now?" Yes, I am and yes I will explain.

So, a way to phrase this week’s topic would be allowing God take over in many areas of your life. Well, I’m here to give some pointers on this. Please see disclaimer at the bottom before you read this!!

Ok, so let’s begin! First, I want you to read the following list.

Which of the following apply to you?

I struggle with

· Getting all my schoolwork done

· Getting all my chores done

· Finding time for my hobbies

· Finding time to hang out with friends

· Always feeling like my life is a rush

Much of the time

· I collapse into bed at night, then wake up the next morning to start my routine all over again

· I’m constantly tired

· I use makeup to cover up the circles under my eyes

· People frequently comment on how tired I look

· I’ve gotten sick because of how overwhelmed I am

· I frequently wake up not wanting to get out of bed

· I love my kids/family but sometimes I just want a break

· After I take care of my kids/family I feel like there’s no time for me.

If you checked two or more of the above, you probably struggle with the feeling of being overwhelmed. Don’t worry though! There is a solution, and I’m here to help you find it. So, let’s start with this simple yet powerful Bible verse!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

This is such a short but simple verse! What the Bible is telling us here is that no matter where we are in life or what we are overwhelmed with, God is with us and holding us on our journey. You may be asking right now, "Well, that's nice but what do I do about it?" Have no fear, a solution is here! (Sorry, I couldn't resist:)

First, make a list of all the things you have to get done every day. You can do your own or use my list included here.

My daily to do
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When you're done, continue reading here.

The first thing to remember is DO NOT THINK YOU HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING! The biggest problem people face is that they either feel or think that they have some kind of superpower that enables them to do everything. However, that's not the case with anyone. You aren't Superman and you aren't God. You need to have a healthy balance of work, chillaxing, and socializing. Now, look at the following list and select which ever ones apply to you.

Wix hobbies
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Ok, now, in the past week, how many of your hobbies have you been able to do? And, in doing them have you felt rushed? This isn't a judgement here. I'm simply helping you gauge how much you are taking on and how much you should step on the brakes.

Now that you/we have assessed your overwhelment (btw, that is NOT a word:) level , we can look at what to do and how to help. And by that I mean you can look at what to do and I'll try to help. XD

OK! Step one! Reread this verse:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

This is one of my favorite Bible verses because it speaks encouragement into my soul and I hope yours too. This verse from Philippians 4:13 tells us that no matter what where we are in life, God is always there ready to help us succeed and get through all our crosses. This also applies to being overwhelmed. See, when we feel like we are drowning in school, work or whatever else it is, God wants you to come to him and give Him your struggles and your pain.

I love this verse because it literally says that Our Lord is right there with us and that He Himself is our Strength. Also note how it says that he helps us! That means that if we are struggling with something, we are supposed to give that struggle to the Lord!

This one also reminds us that the Lord is our Strength.

And this one.......

These three also remind us!!

The point I'm trying to make here by throwing Bible verse pictures at ya :) is that God is your strength now and always. Did you know that the word strength appears in the Bible a minimum of 365 times?! And, in addition ( I learned this cool fact from my awesome Mama) God tells us to not be afraid EXACTLY 365 times?! Do you know what that means? What I'm saying here is that for every day of the year, God put to have strength and to not fear in the Bible!!!! Do we have a great Father in Heaven or what?!

Ok, now that I've exhausted your poor minds with my boring theological teaching, we can get to the "self help" part. Lol, sorry I'm so sarcastic today. I just have the love and joy of God in me right now!

Moving forward!!!

Before you start this section, pray this prayer:

Now, let's get started and do this fast!

  1. Make a list of all the things that you feel are overwhelming you.

  2. Number them in order of importance. (for example school would be one, dying hair orangutan orange would be like ten maybe twenty)

  3. Take a deep breath.

  4. Now, pick the three most important things on your list. It could be school, chores, and reading. Or work, writing, and baking.

  5. Ok, for those three things, look at how much time each takes. I'll help you with a harder one. For example school. I'm going to get a little personal here but we're family so whatever. In terms of school I have the following subjects: Theology, History, Math, Science, Latin, and Literature. (to all my teachers: if I missed your subject, my bad). I work all morning and part of the afternoon on Tuesdays and Thursday followed by two classes so those days are off limits for school/homework. So, in my schedule, I can do homework/other work Monday and Wednesday mornings, and Friday. That means that I set time limits on my school. My amazing Latin and Literature teacher has set time limits on my essays so I only spend about an hour writing them. Literature I set a limit for the book I'm on. Like I'll read as much as I can in 20 minutes.(Disclaimer: I am a voracious and fast reader and have always been. Just a talent. I'll pray you get it too) Etc, etc, etc.

  6. Sorry, that was boring! Now, look at your time limit list. It should be something like " One hour for History, one hour for Baking, 45 minutes for cleaning kitchen".

  7. Make a nice poster/ list that you see every day for your time limits! Also, at the bottom of your list, add all your other things that are on your list BUT don't have like 45 things you want to get done. Maybe you dye your hair orange on one day ( this is more of a one time thing. At least it should be...) and watching Duck Dynasty episodes twice a week. Ok, I mean that you should prioritize the things that are truly important. Like maybe your hobbies are reading, writing, cooking, baking, singing, decorating, walking, running, hiking, and watching movies. What I would say is that you don't need to do these all the time every day. Maybe watch a movie on a Saturday but not every night. For me I love reading, art, watching movies:), playing my ukulele, and web design. However, I don't do every one every day. I play my uke every day but I don't do web design or watch a movie every day.

  8. Pray for STRENGTH.

  9. And finally, email me if the above list is so vague that you can't read it. Because I know that for some of you that will probably be the case........

WHEW!!!! Ok, that was a long and tiring journey I just took you on :(. My apologies. I'll end now before I lose my captive audience completely.

So to summarize, don't take on everything because you can't do it all by yourself. And for all the things you do have, you need to keep your eye on the Lord because

If you have any questions please email me at (for those of you who know me, just use the other one:)! I always look forward to hearing from you! Also, if you haven't already done so, please subscribe! When you do, you'll get all my newsletters in your inbox as well as all future material and updates!!!

Until then, God loves you and so do I! ♥♥♥Faustina

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